I also had a very productive afternoon. I actually finished another Yusynth module. Well almost but I will get to that later. I worked on another filter module this time a Minimoog VCF also called transistor ladder filter. This is of course a copy of the famous Moog Minimoog filter design. It is build around two CA3046's and 6 BC547 transistors that have to be matched in pairs. In this picture you can see the PCB where I already soldered all the wires on again. Behind it is the front panel with all the front panel components mounted already. I did this long ago already. So all I had to do today is wire those to the PCB.
But first I needed to drill the holes in the bracket that is attached to the front panel. I told you before that the steel that the bracket is made of is very hard and I couldn't drill holes in it without breaking something. Well here is the drill that I bought that solved that problem. I got it quite cheap at a building material store and it is actually very good and solid. I have it standing in my garage now on my other work bench. There I do all mechanical stuff. If you look in the right on the picture you can also see a Ferrari Radio Controlled car. I enjoy driving those too, but it has been a long time. But I usually work on that sort of stuff on this work bench.
OK back to the filter module :) Wiring this thing was quite easy, since it looked almost the same as the previous filter module I build. The only problem is that I was missing one mounting nut for one of the potmeters. You can see the hole for it and the loose wiring in the picture on the left. I already asked Scott from Bridechamber to ship it with the recent order I did. So I hope to get it soon. This potmeter controls the CV2 input. So it is not really a problem since I can easily test the module with the other two CV inputs. I will mount the potmeter as soon as the nut arrives.
I used the same method to test this filter module. And it was working right away. I did need to do some calibrating on the potmeters on the PCB again to get it to self-oscillate. But other than that I encountered no problems on this one. It does sound very different though from the EMS filter. Much warmer and softer even the tone you get from the auto oscillation is softer. Well that was supposed to happen :) So all's good. I have another working filter module. I think that was enough DIY modular work for today. So now I'm going do to some other stuff. Hopefully I will have time soon to finish some more stuff. I'll keep you updated of course!
Waldorf Iridium Phrygian Dominant
4 hours ago
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