After dinner today I went back to my modular desk for some more soldering. I asked my daughters if they wanted to join me in the studio since my wife had to go away and they were quite happy about it. Here you see a picture of me that my daughter took when I was soldering a whole bunch of diodes. And yes I'm wearing glasses. My eye sight is actually fine, but they have prism glasses that make it easier to focus. When I'm working long time my eyes don't get tires. And since there is not that much light down stairs my eyes have to work harder anyway. During soldering I tried to explain to my daughter also how a diode and a capacitor works. She says she understands it, but it is a bit difficult for me to believe. But I will try and keep explaining stuff to her. She seems to be very interested.
When we were busy my youngest daughter came to the studio as well. Dressed up as Minnie Mouse with the ears and all :) Isn't it sweet? Well now my oldest daughter is starting to explain to the youngest one what everything is on the PCB. I think that is so cool.
Well after that we continued to solder all the capacitors to the PCB. We could not find one of the capacitors but when I reread the documentation it turned out that this one needed to be soldered to the bottom of the PCB just like the resistor we couldn't find earlier.
Here is a picture of how far we got today. As I said before my daughter is quickly loosing concentration. So the PCB still is not finished. You can also see some drawings that I made while trying to explain what everything does. It is really fun for me to since my whole school period is passing by me :) And even though I used to hate it back then now I think it is fun. Life is weird right. I still haven't counted the potmeters on the ASM-2 by the way. So I still don't know if they are missing from the AVRSynth. Ah well I can't do everything at the same time. I'm doing a lot already I think.
After soldering the girls wanted to jam a bit on some synthesizers. Here you see them play on my Korg M3. Today they discovered Karma and how much fun that is. It didn't sound very harmonious, but it was nice that they played without fighting over it. That is harmonious as well right? :) They were quite lucky too because with all this fun I forgot the time and they were in bed half an hour later than usual. I have seen a lot of trick to stall before then go to bed, but this one was even new for me ;)
Waldorf Iridium Phrygian Dominant
4 hours ago
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