26 June 2009

Building Apollo Studio (Overview)

I know a lot of you followed the construction of my new Apollo studio, but maybe some of you also missed it. So here is the chance to look at it again. This is an overview post with all articles that I wrote during the work that was done on the construction site. More will follow later on cabling, furniture etc. The articles are in chronological order now for your convenience. I hope you enjoy reading them. It was quite a project all in all. It took about 6 months to build this and I'm very happy that it is finished now. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
  1. Preparation (3D plans and asking permission to the local government)
  2. 3D Design (3D plan for myself to get an idea of what could fit in)
  3. Furniture (First ideas how the furniture should look like)
  4. Drilling (Drilling holes in the backyard for the poles of the foundation)
  5. Poles (Filling the holes with concrete to form the poles)
  6. Digging (Digging a big hole for the basement and shortening the pole)
  7. More digging (Digging even deeper and shortening the poles even more)
  8. Water (At maximum depth now, just hitting the ground water level)
  9. Foundation (Construction of the foundation of the basement)
  10. Steel (Construction of the steel work for the walls)
  11. Walls (Construction of the walls)
  12. Roof (Construction of the roof)
  13. Wiring (Putting electrical wiring in the roof and walls.
  14. Door (Demolition of the side of our house)
  15. Ventilation (The basement is ready, and I can breath down there)
  16. Stairs (Basement finished and the first time we could go down ourselves)
  17. Isolation (Putting on some isolation and making it waterproof)
  18. Heating (Putting in the pipes for the floor heating system)
  19. Demoistering (Getting all the moisture out of the walls)
  20. Cabling (Installing the cable guiding system)
  21. Floor (Putting the final layer of the floor)
  22. Garden (Finished construction and putting our garden back in place)
And here are also two video's we shot during construction
  1. First Video Tour
  2. Second Video Tour


Carol said...

The project looks great, it must have been a real experience creating it!?

Synth.nl said...

Yes it was a big adventure. I'm glad it is over though.

Bygningsentreprise said...

I'm so very excited to see that after the completion of it.

Synth.nl said...

Thank you. It is a nice place to work now :)

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