A couple of years ago I bought a Roland Jupiter 6 when I was actually looking for a the Jupiter 8 sound. When I finally got the synthesizer I liked the sound a lot but was even well disappointed, because it sounded nothing like the Jupiter 8. I thought a Jupiter 6 was just an 6 voice version, but it is a completely different synthesizer. So after a while I sold it and started looking further for a Jupiter 8 that I eventually found as well. But it took a while before I found one. After a while I already regretted selling the Jupiter 6 since it does have a very nice sound of its own. It is less powerful and warm than his bigger brother, but it is very good in more subtle and clearer sounds.
So I started looking for a Jupiter 6 again but wanted a nicer one that I had (because that one wasn't looking so great) and it needed to have the Europa midi upgrade installed. I had that in my previous one as well and that just adds some neat extra functionality. Then I came across a Jupiter 6 on E-bay that looked so mint that I couldn't believe my eyes. Judging from the pictures it looked as new! Not even a scratch on it. So I decided to go for this one. Well yesterday it arrived and it looked even better in real life than in the pictures. It is just amazing how a synthesizer from 1983 can look that good. And luckily when I checked it out today it sounds like new as well :)
Of course I didn't have to think long where to put it in the studio. I placed it on the same stand as the Jupiter 8. Doesn't this look like a great pair? :) And I can tell you they sound like a great pair as well. I had trouble to stop playing on this nice combination but I had to get back to work :) It is very nice to have the Jupiter 6 back in my collection and now I'm sure I'll never sell it again. Now I just have to find a new spot for the Juno 106 that was in this spot before. Well I'm sure that I'll find a nice place for it :)
The Wobbler
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Sorry about that :)
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