Sylvain Lupari of Guts Of Darkness just wrote a very nice review on my AtmoSphere album. You can find it here:
But since it is in French I place an English translation here that he posted on the Groove Unlimited website.
Please enjoy :)
Michel van Osenbruggen (Synth. NL) 2nd album is inspired by the layers of atmospheres which surround our planet. A little in the same vein as its 1st opus, AeroDynamics, the Dutch synthesist continues to forge energetic music with catchy rhythms. Atmosphere offers a beautiful range with a touch closer to nebulas atmospheres than cosmic one, as we found on AeroDynamics. A new kind of progressive synth pop with a heavy approach. Troposphere is fomented like a grain in space. A train comes from nowhere and releases heteroclite sound effects. The ambiance is cosmic, except for fine cymbals which initiate a percussion set more vigorous, in a cosmic sphere with Mellotron chorus and light hazes. A syncopated sequence is melting agreeably in this space landscape, creating a sustained rhythm which girdles an active nebulosity. In a track, Synth.NL situates his music. Melodious and rhythmic, stuffed of heavy Mellotron which gives the impression to slow down the tempo. Heavy and dilly-dally Troposphere, just like Cumulonimbus which seems to be his remix, rebound in the tympanums with an amazing sound richness. Atmosphere abounds of these titles with vaporous and climatic intros which lead to frank and vigorous rhythms, with a Jean Michel Jarre touch. Titles like Troposphere, Altocumulus, the excellent Altostratus and the very Jarrian Exosphere with his delightful violins, exploit chipped sequences on percussions very well freshened and on melodious synth. Some great cosmic candy, intelligent and appealing. Stratosphere intro plunges us into a cosmic static broth which is animating softly on circular cymbals and a hiccupping sequence which surrounds a movement hardly rhythmic. Melodious, the synth floats wistfully whereas the title immerses in a black mood with, in background, the initial melody which floats more than agitating. One of the more ambient tracks we find on this album, along with Thermosphere and Cirrostratus which always oscillate between the fragmented nebulosity and rhythms. Atmosphere is more elaborate. A soft rotary sequence with a Mellotron choral insufflates a soft melody that dry strike of percussions does not manage to spoil. A good track, like the majority that composes Synth.NL 2nd opus. Synth pop with a more progressive touch, like Mesosphere and its long synth solos and Nimbostratus with its dramatico-cosmic approach.
If you have like AeroDynamics, AtmosPhere will not disappoint you. A strong album in rhythm and which brushes the roots of ambient EM does not go unperceived. There is a strong Jarre influence, in particular on percussions and synthesized refrains which bite easily the ear. A good album for fans of pop synth, with great percussions moves and well builds orchestrations.
The Wobbler
8 hours ago
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