The last weeks I have been studying the reports that Toine from Sound Scapes sent me. All in all very interesting stuff. In the picture on the left you can see a derived graphic that he made from the measurements taken in my studio. He entered this in his specialized acoustic room simulation software. The blue line represents the actual measurements and the green lines are the boundaries where the room response should be in between. You can clearly see the problem that is there in the lower frequencies. After this start scenario different acoustic materials with know results are placed in the room and the computer calculates the effect this has on the room respons. Toine made 3 scenario's for me to chose from. One with the use of only commercially available materials, one with only DIY material and one with the combination of the two.
Here you see a picture of a self build bass trap using lat absorbers that he proposed. The lats are supposed to be horizontal by the way in the final design. Toine send even building plans and everything for this thing. Very cool. The disadvantage is though that this thing takes up a lot of room that I rather not sacrifice and also that building it myself doesn't really attract me. For two reasons. I don't have much time and to be honest I'm not very good with wood. And when I let someone else build it, it will be more expensive than going for the commercially available products. So I decided to go for the easy way and buy the stuff he proposed. In this way I can get this up and running hopefully before I make the final mixes of my new album and hopefully have a good room response in the low frequencies by then.
Toine proposed to use Modex plates from a company called RPG. In the picture on the left you can see how this looks. These plates are mounted against the wall and are 1 meters wide and 1,5 meters high and only 11 centimeters thick. So they don't use that much space. For comparison the self build bass trap also was 1 meters wide but, 80 cm's thick and 2,40 meters high. The modex plates come in two types. Type 1 absorbs frequencies between 50-500 Hz and Type 2 absorbs frequencies between 35-100 Hz. Toine has calculated that I would need one type 1 and two type 2 plates for optimal results. It is really amazing how this stuff works. Very innovative. If you are interested you can read more about this stuff on this URL:
And the after placing the virtual models of these plates in the simulation software the computer calculated the result you can see in the graphic on the right. You can clearly see the change in the low end response. So basically this should to the trick in theory :) Well we will see the result in the end I guess. I really have good hope that this will make my studio a lot better acoustically and after this we will do another measurement to see what the actual result was and if more needs to be done. Of course I will keep you posted on the results and let you see what it looks like. The last question I asked now is if they can paint the panels black for me in stead of white :)
Waldorf Iridium Phrygian Dominant
6 hours ago
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