14 March 2011

Synth.nl Contribution on I-dentity album by Remy

Over time I have become good friends with Remy Stroomer who releases music under the name 'REMY'. We already played a bit together in my studio recently, but when Remy asked me if I wanted to contribute something to his new album I was happy to say yes. His upcoming album will be released at the E-day festival in Oirschot (NL) on the 16th of April and will be called 'I-Dentity'. It hold 4 long tracks and on the last track there is a solo by me that lasts about one minute. In that same track also Gert Emmens, Erik Wollo and Francis Rimbert (band member of Jean-Michel Jarre) play along next to Remy himself of course. It is a very interesting track in my opinion. With Remy's permission I will put a sound clip of my part online on my website soon. I'll keep you posted when that happens!

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