16 March 2011

Apollo 3D Project (Part 2)

In the breaks I take from working on my Apollo album I'm still working on my 3D project as well. I have learned a lot in the mean time by doing and watching tutorials. I also created a lot of models already. One of the things I want to do eventually is make a promo video for Apollo and in this video I will be showing some original NASA video footage, but since those images are old and low resolution it won't look nice if you watch them on full HD. So I came up with the idea to create an old fashion living room with an old TV where I will project the videos on when necessary. I have worked on this model for quite some time and I'm quite proud on it so I wanted to give you a sneak preview of it. On the TV you can see the black and white version of an intro (and kind of video logo) I'm working on for the Apollo video as well. I made this picture in 1680 x 1050 resolution btw because it is the resolution of the screen of my notebook. I have this image as the background image for my desktop now. If you click it you can see a high-res version. Let me know if you would like this picture in another resolution to use it yourself on your desktop background :) OK enough for now. More later. I need to go back and work on my album again.

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