08 March 2011

Don Quixote submitted to the Schallplatte 13 Jury

I just sent in the Don Quixote track that I made a while ago to the jury of the upcoming Schallplatte 13 sampler CD. The Schallplatte CD is published every year for the members only of the German Electronic Music club Schallwende EV. I have been on the last three CD's as well and it is always nice to do something like this in between my own projects. Now I can only wait and see if they will select it. The track I made is not a very typical Electronic Music piece so we'll see. It will take a while before I hear back but I'll keep you posted. I'm afraid I will have to keep you waiting until it is either releases or rejected before you can listen to it. You can listen to last years track on this URL: http://www.synth.nl/SchallplatteXII My good friend Hans did the mastering on both tracks by the way.

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