20 March 2011

Apollo Preview on E-day no Release yet!

The last months I have been working almost day and night on my new album. My target was to release it at the E-day festival on the 16th of April in Oirschot (NL). I had a lot of personal and technical problems the last periods though and that has slowed my progress down a lot. By now I'm sure that I won't be able to make the deadline unfortunately. I'm 95% done and the album really stands on its own now, but I'm just not satisfied yet and I don't want to release a product that doesn't feel right under pressure like this. I haven't been working with fun any more on  it the last weeks either. So I think it is best for me to take a short break from the project now. And then start finishing it of with a more relaxed state of mind. I will set a new release date when I know when I can have it done. I hope it will be somewhere in June as it looks now. I hope you all understand. I guess you will get a better album in the end by waiting a little bit longer. I will have a preview version with me though on the E-day festival where I will have a stall. So you can listen to the album as it is there if you like for a 95% impression. You can read more about the E-day festival on this URL: http://e-day.groove.nl. Hope to see you there!

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