Since the power distribution in my modular desk is finished now, I started on some new modules again. Here are two PCB's that are the analog and digital boards of a MFOS sequencer. The design is quite straight forward and there are no very special components on there, but still I think it is a very nice sequencer. It has 16 steps with both a coarse tuning and fine tuning potmeters. It can be set to 4-16 steps and also can be put in reversed or random mode. It has a reset funtion and can take an external clock and external start signal. So it might not look much, but in fact it is very versatile.

Thomas White designed a very cool rotary front panel for this sequencer. That was for me one of the reasons to build this one. It looks a bit like the Klee Sequencer I build. I just downloaded the Front Panel Design file from his website and sent it to Schaeffer and got this very nice panel back. After I got it I started mounting the front panel components. Here you see the jacks and the leds from the back. I'm still asking myself though how to fit the PCB's to this front panel. Hopefully Bridechamber has a solution for that soon since they are going to sell this front panel as well.

And here you can see the front. I still need to source a lot of the front panel components, but it already looks like something :) I will keep you posted on the progress as usual. I don't know though when that will be. It can take a while since I'm already building some other stuff as well and soon I really have to focus on my new album again. I haven't signed a contract yet, but I need to stick to a tight schedule to make October. You can find more information on the sequencer on this URL:
Hoi michel, lijk me een leuk project voor mij zelf om te bouwen, en de prijs valt ook mee.
overigens leuk om je weer ontmoet te hebben op e-day en je advies voor het kopen van een synth.
Ik zie uit naar je nieuwe cd in oktober, mooi kado voor mijn verjaardag(9 Oktober).
Groetjes fred
Hoi Michel,
Die ic's voor die sequencer zijn die makelijk verkrijgbaar
Hoi Fred, is idd leuk project. Onderdelen is niet heel moeilijk hoor. En graag gedaan wat advies betreft. En de CD. Tsja.. wordt hard aan gewerkt :) Ik hoop dat ik de deadline haal. Nog een hoop werk voor de boeg. Maar ik doe mijn best.
Groeten Michel, Synth.nl
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