10 March 2013

Keep E-day Festival Alive! Order Tickets now!

The release of PrimiTiveS was planned on the yearly E-day festival that my record label Groove Unlimited organizes every year. Unfortunately the ticket sales are very bad and the event maybe cancelled :( That would be a real bummer and mean no release party for PrimiTiveS either and possible the end for the festival definately :( So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy a ticket and come and pick your copy up at the E-day festival in Oirschot in The Netherlands on the 6th of April. Remy and I will both be present and sign it for you if you like. E-day is a great festival with concerts all day a lot of artists present and a great atmosphere. Go buy your ticket here NOW PLEASE!


Let me know if you need any assistance.


Craig Shipley said...

Any chance for a virtual ticket for those of us willing to support you but can't do it in person?

Synth.nl said...

Hi Craig I don't know about that. You mean like a video stream? Or just sponsoring?

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