10 February 2013

PrimiTiveS Artwork Pre-Renders

This weekend I had another studio session with Remy Stroom in my studio. We are really almost done with the music for the album now. There is only one more studio session planned for the final touches. We also finished the artwork for the album now. I made some pre-renders of the artwork so you know what it will look like when it is finished. It always gives a nice idea to put the images on a jewel case for a rough idea. I thought it would be nice to share there views with you. I presented the cover before but in the picture on the left you can see the pre-render of the front of the CD.

And in the picture on the right is a render of the back of the CD. You can also find the track list here. As you can see the CD hold 9 tracks and it will be approximately 72 minutes in length. Today also Ron Boots visited my studio and we listened to the album. He agreed with us that this album is a good mix between Remy and Synth.nl and that it is music neither of us would have made on our own. I hope that gets you excited :) At least we are for sure.

And here you can see what you will see when you open the CD. There is also a little story about Remy and myself and how this album came about. In the mean time this story is also on my website together with the track list on this URL http://www.synth.nl/Primitives. Here there will be some audio material to listen to as well very soon and the links where you can pre-order the album as soon as that is possible. I will keep you posted on that. I hope you like the artwork in the mean time. Btw. You can click the pictures for larger versions. More information coming soon!

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