02 June 2012

Synthforum Studio Warming Party

Last weekend I attended a very nice party that my friend Matthijs organized to celebrate the opening of his new studio. I met Matthijs on the Dutch Synthforum.nl website when I joined there in 2005. He was one of the people that inspired me and gave me tips when I first started making music back then. It was great weather so we actually spend more time in the garden where the BBQ and drinks were than in the studio. It was nice to see some of the other guys as well that I met back then and still speak to occasionally in the Synthforum chat room. My friend Hans Landman also joined a bit later and unfortunately I had to leave early because my brother was celebrating his 40th birthday and of course I couldn't miss that either. I hope we can repeat this kind of meeting again in the future. I had a great time. Matthijs thanks for organizing and you have a great studio!

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