02 August 2011

Special CD Delivery to US Fan Mike

I am in contact with quite some fans over the Internet and I really like the feedback I get on my music in this way. One of those EM fans is Mike Valant. He bought all my CD's and just before we went on holiday he asked me if I could send a Dutch Masters CD to him. I knew that he lives in Florida and we were going that there, so I suggested that I could take it with me to the US to save him some shipping costs. On our trip from Kissimmee to Key West we passed his house and we decided to not post it on the mail, but to deliver it in person. Mike prepared a very nice lunch for us and we had a really nice talk about music. I asked Mike if he would like a preview of my upcoming Apollo album and he was delighted. I'm still not finished with the music and I apologized a couple of times for things that I still needed to finalize, but he liked it a lot already as it was :) We stayed at his house for about 3 hours and then we had to drive on to the Keys otherwise it would get to late before we got there. We had a great time over there and just before we left we made this picture. When we got back home I got an E-mail from Mike that he couldn't wait to get a copy of Apollo in his hands :)


Anonymous said...

It was a total pleasure meeting you and your family. Also Michel and his family are incredibly nice. He also has some incredibly strong roots to his foundation in his music. It was a blast discussing music with him and so many other things.

To everyone Apollo is fantastic, wait until you hear it.

Also Michel and his family are incredibly nice

Synth.nl said...

Thanks for the kind words Mike :)

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