05 March 2011

M-Audio Venom and Blofeld module

A while ago I sold myWaldorf Blofeld module to get a version with keys and now I did it the other way around again. It was a stupid move moneywise of course, because I lost some money in the sale twice, but I had to make room for something else and the Blofeld was the only synthesizer I could trade back again for a module version without losing those sounds. A well those things happen. In the back of the Blofeld you see the UltraNova by the way. I hope they will make a module version of that one too in the future. I can't seem to find a nice place for the keyboard version either.

Well and here is the synthesizer I wanted to make room for. It is the new M-Audio Venom. I just picked it up today and played for a very short while on it. I don't have much time unfortunately now, since I'm struggling to make the dead line for my new album. But skipping through the presets was pleasant. It sounds quite refreshing :) And new sounds mean new inspiration! That is always good news. OK now back to work ;) I'll try to send another update on Apollo soon.

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