12 February 2011

More Apollo Artwork

I promised last week to show you more of the Apollo artwork when it was done. Well now it is. Bart just send me the last files. I'm sure there will be some little tweaks before it is finally pressed but this is globally what the back will look like. You can also already see the track list. The song titles are final and so is the order they will be in. The track lengths can be different on the CD, since I'm still working hard on some of the tracks. Another thing you might notice is that the mastering will be done this time by my good friend Hans Landman. We will also work again on one track together like we did on my AtmoSphere album.

And this will be the CD itself. You can actually put the moon in your CD player eventually. There will be more text on there later on as well. I do have some other pictures for the inside of the booklet, but there I still need to write all the text for those. Pfffff so much to do :) In the mean time I'm also working on a new theme for my website. That will be in Apollo style too when I'm done with the CD and when I'm sure when the release will be. And the last thing then will be a nice promo video for the album. So you can imagine I guess that I'm a bit busy here and that I won't be able to write as much on this blog as I normally do. But I'll try to keep you updated from time to time.

1 comment:

Synth.nl said...

Thanks :) I'm glad you like it.

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