24 December 2010

Synth.nl Featured on the Yearly Syndae Christmas Special

It is that time of the year again.... Christmas! and like the last two years, Stefan from the German podcast Syndae made a Christmas special again. He asks musicians that he features regularly on his radio show to make their version of a Christmas especially for that show. He did it again! And what a nice show it is. There are two editions, a family edition and a mature edition. I'm not quite sure what he means by this by the way. My track is called 'HolySynth' and is played on the family edition. You can listen to the show online or download it and listen when you please. But do listen to it to get in the Christmas mood :) You can find it here: http://www.syndae.de. This track is also my way to say to all of you: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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