16 December 2010

New Planetarium Show coming Soon !

I have been quiet the last weeks here, but I was very busy actually. I have been working on new music for a new Planetarium show that will have its premiere before the end of the year. I made 10 minutes of music for the first part of a 45 minute show. Again for the Beisbroek Planetarium in Brugge Belgium by the way, so apparently they liked the 15 minutes I made last year. Today I worked on finishing the track up by adding some Sound Effects to make the music more 'spacy'

For the sound effects I used the Korg MS-20, Roland SH-09 and Moog Minimoog today. All three very nice machines to do space effects like noise sweeps and filter auto-modulation stuff. I already send out the music in raw for as a demo last week and that was approved, but today I made the final mix including all sound effects and transitions between the three pieces of music that I made. And the good news is that they liked it :) So I'm actually done now. Hopefully I can put my part of the show online for you to listen to.

I made the final mix in Sonar X1. In the picture on the left you can see the arrangement of this final mix. On top is the voice over that I got from them. I synced my music to this track. Below that the three parts of music and under that some extra sound effects that I used to smoothen the transitions between the tracks. The music itself were made in three seperate projects that I converted to Sonar X1 as well eventually for the last mixdown. All in all a very nice project again. And like said before I hope to put it online soon. You can listen to the show from last year on this URL: http://www.synth.nl/music/scores/beisbroek. The voice is in the Dutch language by the way.

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