03 October 2010

Close Encounter Sound Clip Online

As I wrote before there will be a new Nattefrost album released by Bjorn Jeppesen on the 9th of October at the E-live festival in Oirschot (NL). Bjorn is just like me signed under the record label Groove Unlimited. And that is how we got in touch. We have met on several occasions, mostly electronic music related events. We have become good friends since then and are in regular contact over the Internet. In 2010 I joined Bjorn on a trip to Sweden where he played on the Norberg festival. During this trip we also spend some time in his studio and played some music together. There also a track called 'Close Encounter' was born that now features on Bjorn's new CD. This is the first Nattefrost and Synth.nl collaboration and I'm sure more will follow in the future. I have an excerpt of the track now online on my website here you can listen to it and also read more about the album and our track and you can find where you can buy it. More information on this URL: http://www.synth.nl/Nattefrost

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