26 January 2010

Klee Sequencer (Part 4)

The last week I also worked again on the Klee Sequencer that I'm building. I've got all components for the PCB's now and completely finished those and I also got all the components for the front panel now. So I can finish this one off. In the picture you can see the back of the front panel and you can also see that I already mounted the PCB's. That was not so easy as I thought. When I ordered the front panel from Bridechamber I also got two pot brackets. They were modified to fit on the jacks on the side. But neither panel is big enough two hold the PCB's. Scott told me they should overlap but then I could only fit one PCB on it. So I came up with another solution.

I mounted the bigger PCB on the two overlapping pot brackets that I got from Bridechamber and mounted this PCB as far on the edge as I could. Then I used a normal 2 Pot Bracket on top of that. I had to drill an extra hole in the front (short part) to get the second potmeter through, since they normal holes are on MOTM distance and these obviously are not. The I mounted the smaller PCB with one end on the space that was left on the two overlapping pot brackets and the other side on the 2 pot bracket. It is actually quite a good fit and the PCB is very secure not touching anything on the bottom by far. As you can see in the first picture the two PCB's are side to side. That will make the inter PCB wiring very easy later on I guess. So it took me a while to figure this one out, but I'm happy now.

After that I started with the wiring. And there will be quite some wires in the end. But the trick is to do them just one by one ;) The first thing to do is make two ground loops. There is a separate ground loop for all the digital connections and another ground loop for the analog signal. In this way the chance of interference is kept to a minimum. I used a combination of blank and insulated wire. The advantage of blank wire is that you can stick it through several component and make a nice string that you can solder later on. And you can also solder other wires on the black wire wherever you like. Especially for a ground loop that you need almost everywhere on the front panel that is convinient.

And here is a picture from the finished ground loop wiring. You can clearly see the blank wire that I put on the leds in the middle. It is a nice circle and then the other components are attached to this. This is the digital ground loop. The analog ground loop is on the potmeters around that. Also in a circular setup. From both these loops eventually 1 ground wire will be on the PCB's. The next thing to do is wire the PCB's together and run the rest of the wires from the front panel components to the PCB's. I'll keep you posted as usual!

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