19 November 2009

My First Front Panel Arrived

Last week the front panel that I designed for a YuSynth VCO arrived from Schaeffer. It really looks great, so I'm very happy with the result. It is in MOTM style and I took some stuff from different designs to get this one together. The text and other symbols are actually engraved, so it looks very professional. The only thing I found out is that the holes that I made for the potmeters are a bit too big. No real problem. I had this before with some panels from Bridechamber. The trick is to use an extra ring, but you need to be careful to get it centered. If you like this design and want to use it as well. Just E-mail me and I will send you the .fpd file. You can download the software from here: http://www.schaeffer-ag.de/de/download/frontplatten-designer.html. And then you can make adjustments for yourself and see what the price is right away. When you are satisfied just click order and wait until it arrives :) Very cool. I must warn you though that it is not cheap. Especially the extra lining I did around the potmeters makes it expensive, but I like to have some soft of scale. If you leave that out (and you can easily delete that) it will cost a lot less. Well I'm planning to do more front panels this way if I can't get them anywhere else. For my friend Hans I'm also looking for an Eurorack panel for a Wogglebug. If you know where I can find that please let me know.

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