14 June 2009

New Apollo Studio Pictures Coming Soon

I know a lot of you are waiting for new overview pictures from my new Apollo studio. And I have good news. My friend Chris is coming Thursday to take new pictures and also film a bit in my studio. I guess that they will be online somewhere next week then. So keep an eye on my blog here or my website. I do have one challenge though since it turned out that the UPS I put in front of the studio is not powerful enough. When I tried to put all equipment on last week when Roland was filming here, everything went out instead :( I will have to upgrade this UPS I'm afraid. For the pictures I'll have to take some power from somewhere else Thursday I guess. I did put up one picture here from my 'synth wall' as a teaser. But I'm sure Chris will make nicer ones :)

1 comment:

Synth.nl said...

It was postponed for a week. Sorry about that.

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