28 March 2009

AtmoSphere now on Amazon

My AtmoSphere album is now also available on Amazon.com. You can buy the album in digital form here as MP3 download. You can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/Atmosphere/dp/B001U27E38/

Even though I'm quite happy with these new ways of distribution, since I know lots of people buy music this way nowadays, I'm not really into this myself. I still prefer a physical CD for my record collection. I would like you to consider the same as well since the quality of the music is even better and you can enjoy the artwork even more and read some interesting stuff about the album in the booklet. Well in case you agree with this you can find the other sales links take sell physical CD's on this URL: http://www.synth.nl/AtmoSphere

And please do consider to buy my music when you like it. You will support me and my record label for the hard work that was done and you will make future releases possible.

And thank you so much to everybody that already supported me! I do appreciate it a lot!

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