19 December 2008

MC Honert and AtmoSphere

Last year I visited an Electronic Music festival in Wuppertal. It was actually the first time I visited an event like that. I was quite surprised that I was immediately recognized by someone there. That someone was a very nice German guy called Holger who also makes music himself under the name MC Honert. He seems to like my music a lot and I gave him a T-shirt back then. We had a nice chat and later on we went to a bar and we seemed to sleep in the same hotel. We ended up in the hotel bar and when we were kicked out there we took some beers up to the room. It was a very nice time. Since then we have contact over the E-mail. Recently he send me this very nice picture after he bought my new 'AtmoSphere' album. He seems to like it a lot. Holger wrote this very nice review on his own blog:

New album AtmoSphere from SYNTH.NL

Hello all! Now I have the new album AtmoSphere from SYNTH.NL and I will like to give an opinion to this:

The design of the cover is “atmospheric” and in the booklet you will find a description of the spheres, clouds and weather around our planet, which in this album the song-titles are. Great idea! You can find also some specifications about SYNTH.NL and this album.

I hear this album in my car and in my living room at the dolby-surround-system. The sound of the album is great, but you must hear this album with a good headphone, because SYNTH.NL hid many details in the songs, that you can hear much better with headphones. I hear it now to fourth time and I think I did not find any detail anymore now.

The synths and the self sampled sounds that SYNTH.NL use in the songs are fantastic. The wide Pads, the Leads, Basses and Drums carry me from the earth's surface. The songs are very good arranged and they have very much alternation.

My result about this album:
If you like electronic music, like Jean Michel Jarre, Klaus Schulze and so on, and if you want to dive into a relaxed world, you must buy this album.

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