18 October 2008

Apollo Studio Furniture (Part 1)

In an earlier post about my studio construction I talked about studio furniture. I looked at several options ranging from standard furniture to custom build. I decided to go for the last option since I could not find exactly what I was looking for. After that I talked to several furniture builders and finally found one that really understood my idea's. Actually he is a musician too, so he knew what I was talking about when I mentioned 19" equipment in our first meeting. In the second meeting he already brought a scale model of his first ideas to make the conversation easier. This was one of the things I liked about him. He put in a lot of effort before he even got the assignment.

After looking at all the offers I decided to go for this guy. He had the best idea and besides that he has a passion for wood and was really enthusiastic about this job. We are now in sort of a brain storming session exchanging ideas about the practical use for me and the looks. We were actually using cardboard during this session to take the ideas further. As you can see the desk will get an 'U' shape just like I have in my current studio. I'm actually quite happy with that. This desk will hold much more 19" equipment though. As well on top as below the work surface as you can see in the pictures.

This model is still very rough and needs much more work. In the end we agreed that he is actually going to build two desks for me. On the other side of the room only the middle part will be copied and on top of that my modular setup will be integrated in the desk. That will be very cool :) We also talked about material and it looks like he going to use some MDF but also some real Mahony wood :) I'm starting to get very excited about this. He already started to order the material. I'll ask him to make pictures regulary so I can put them on here.

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