25 October 2008

AtmoSphere on TDFZ radio show podcast.

Today the title track from my new 'AtmoSphere' album was played on the TDFZ radio podcast show. A very nice show I can tell you. It is hosted by Chris Newman and it is intended for Tangerine Dream Fans and they play music by artists that are somehow inspired by Tangerine Dream.

Since it is a podcast you can still download all the episodes from the past as well. Chris did a very nice special on my previous album in August. And I heard from Chris it still is one of the most downloaded shows on his podcast site. In the picture on the left that is used to promote this weeks show, you can see that they are still referring to it themselves as well. This special also included a nice interview I did with Chris. Be sure to look it up. I hope we can do something like this again some day in the future on my new album.

You can find the TDFZ radio show on this URL:


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