12 October 2008

AtmoSphere Album Released!

[Release] Synth.nl - AtmoSphere

During a very successful E-live festival in Eindhoven my second album 'AtmoSphere' was released.

The inspiration for this album came from the atmosphere around our beloved planet Earth. The songs are inspired by the different layers of air around our world, the different cloud formations that are encountered in these layers and the sounds of different weather phenomena. While listening to this

album you will travel through these layers of air starting on the surface of the Earth and ending up in space. I sampled a lot of sounds myself actually from thunder storms, rain and wind. I used these sounds as an inspiration for many of the songs that you will hear.

The album was released on the 11th of October 2008 by Groove Unlimited (http://www.groove.nl). You can find more information on the album and listen to some demo tracks from the album on this URL:


The album holds 12 very varied tracks and is 71 minutes in total. The music is produced with synthesizers only. You can also listen to my other releases on my main website http://www.synth.nl/. And if you like what you hear then please note the sales links also on this page. Your support is highly appreciated.

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