27 August 2008

First AtmoSphere Mixing and Mastering session

Today I did the first remixing and mastering session for my 'AtmoSphere' album together with Ron Boots from Groove Unlimited in his studio. We did four tracks in total and that is quite a lot for one day. It all went quite smoothly. Ron was quite satisfied with my sound and mixing levels so he used only my bus renders. It is always scary the first time to hear my tracks on his monitors. It sounds so different from what I'm used to on my headphones. That is why I always bring my own headphones as well to his studio to do a sound check on them when Ron is done with a track. I took the mastered version with me so I can listen to them some more at home. When I hear something strange we can still correct that in time. We will do the next session next week and go for some more tracks. I brought 5 new ones with me today for Ron. I will also ask my friend Hanz to judge the mastered tracks we did today. I guess when all three of us are satisfied in the end it must be OK :)

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