13 July 2008

Synth.nl with Stall on Sunday Synth

Today my song 'Stall' was played on the 'Sunday Synth' show by Bruce Gall. Stall is song from the 'AeroDynamics' album I released last year. It was a very nice show again. If you like synthesizer music I can advise you to listen to this show that is broadcasted every Sunday from 10-12 AM UK time on AR FM. You can find the website at this URL: http://www.arfm.co.uk/. Bruce played me on last weeks show as well with 3 tracks. So he seems to like my album. Well lets hope he will play me again soon. I've been getting quite some airplay the last year. You can find a list with radio stations that played me on my website here: http://www.synth.nl/media.php. If you know other radio stations that play my kind of synthesizer music that are not on this list. Let me know or let them know about me.

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