22 June 2008

Synth.nl on TDFZ Radio

Yesterday I was played on TDFZ Radio. TDFZ stands for Tangerine Dream FanZone. So this radio station is run by and for Tangerine Dream fans. They play music that was influenced by Tangerine Dream. They played my track 'Synthology' that I wrote for the Analogy 3 sampler from Groove Unlimited my record label. A very nice album I think made with analog synthesizers only. Chris from TDFZ radio seemed to like my track a lot, I hope he will play some more of my music in the future. I did send him my 'AeroDynamics' album as well. Since this broadcast is a podcast you can download it yourself and listen to it. You can find it on there podcast website here: http://www.tdfz.mypodcast.com/

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