07 May 2008

Ambient Experience was Nice

I would get back to you about the Ambient Experience I went to in Wuppertal. It was very nice. Especially to meet some great people that I met already on the Internet. But it is always so much nicer to meet people in real life. I even posed for some pictures and gave some autographs. Really funny that people start recognizing me. The picture on the left was taken by a very nice women I met called Mirandea (thank you for sending it). The concerts were very enjoyable too, but unfortunately the sound was way to loud and had only a lot of mid-high. Very annoying and tiresome to listen to, but the artists did a great job performing. The theater had a nice ambiance though and there was a small stall where they sold CD's. I went backstage a while to talk to my friend Bjorn Jepessen from Nattefrost and also met his friend that is in the band Carboneids with him together. After the concert we went to the hotel together with a very nice German guy I met earlier that day called Holger (MC-Honert). We all drank some beers and had a long talk afterwards. Very enjoyable. But I went to bed way too late, but what the heck. You need to have fun sometimes right?


Mirandea said...

Dear Michel,
It was very nice to meet you at Wuppertal and find out that you are not only making great music but also a very sympatic person!!!!
Reinhard and I we really enjoyed talking to you!!!!
Pitty that you where not on stage that evening, but we are listening to your album very often and are waiting for your next work!!! ;-)
Thank you that you came to Wuppertal!!!
Mirandea & Reinhard

Synth.nl said...

Thank you very much :) It was very nice to meet you too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michel!
it was great to meet you after the festival and I can say that you are a very nice guy too! ;-) Thanks a lot for the very interesting conversation that we have in the hotel. I think we see us again at the e-live in october in Eindhoven ...

Synth.nl said...

Hi, it was great to meet you too. I will be in Eindhoven for sure. It would be nice to see you there.

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