18 February 2008

My first Interviews Online

Since I released my first album last year I did some nice interviews that I wanted to share with you. I put up a new page on my website where I will post future interviews as well. The first interview I did was a written one. This was a very nice surprise but it was also quite easy, because I could think about the answers a while. The two that followed that one where two live radio interviews. Both of them I did over the telephone. That was a completely different experience!

Off course my native language is Dutch, and these two interview were done in English and German. I can tell you that I was quite nervous during these interviews, but I think they went OK. I recorded both the radio interviews and put a copy online so you can listen to them when you missed them before. During this interviews you can also hear some tracks from my 'AeroDynamics' album that are not as a sample on my MySpace page or main website. You can find this new interview page here: http://www.synth.nl/interviews.php I hope you will enjoy it.

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