17 February 2008

PAIA Fatman

Since I have a background in electronics (study and work) I thought it would be nice to build my own synthesizers. I searched on the internet and found a lot of interesting projects that I will try to build in the future. The first project I did was the PAIA Fatman.

A good project to start with to test my soldering skills. It was long ago that I did something like this, but it went very good. It has just one PCB and a 19 inch front panel is supplied. Building this kit was very easy and it working right away. I expected to fix some errors, but it appears that I didn't make them :)

Here you see the Fatman mounted in a table top rack that is below my workspace. It is basically a monophonic analog synthesizer with two VCO's that you can detune, one VCF, one VCA and two ADSR's. The sound is very rich and very analog. I think it is good for basses and leads, but for leads you miss some modulation possibilities.

All in all it was a very easy to build kit that I can recommend to anyone that wants to start with DIY synths. You can find more information on this synth on the PAIA website on this URL: http://www.paia.com/

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