02 July 2012

First Adobe Edge Experiment on Synth.nl website

Today I also did my first little animation in Adobe Edge. Edge is a new product that is still in preview stage. It outputs animations using HTML5 technology, so it works without the use of Flash and it is supported by all modern browsers now. In the background it uses also JQuery JavaScript libraries. I'm starting to test with this since more and more people use mobile devices that don't support Flash and even Adobe seems to be abandoning Flash on the long run. You can help me by letting me know if it worked for you. If not please let me know which operating system and browser you are using. You should see the albums on the top of the screen on my main website http://www.synth.nl/ animating on. And you should be able to click them to go to the album pages. There is still a Flash mp3 player on these pages, but I plan to find an alternative for that as well in the future. If you are interested in Adobe Edge you can still download the test version for free from Adobe Labs for now. I also centered all the YouTube objects by the way to make the website better looking on Ipads.


Ricardo Francés said...

Oh it works for me (Google Chrome 19.0.1084.56 on Linux Mint 10). I'd like to suggest this player http://www.codebasehero.com/2011/07/html5-music-player-updated/

Synth.nl said...

OK great. Thanks for the tip as well. I'm going to look at it :)

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