06 November 2011

Back to some DIY projects soon

I know some of you are following this blog for my DIY electronics projects. I didn't have much time the last period to work on that unfortunately. I had an album to release and I just finished another release for a sampler CD that is coming beginning of next year. The only thing left to do for this year is another Christmas track for the Syndae Christmas special. But in the mean time I put some project on my work bench. I have to replace to leds on my SammichSID and I have a new SammichFM synth to build, and then there is more than enough work on my DIY modular and still lots of cabling jobs to do in the studio. So stay tuned and hopefully I'll have some nice non-musical posts up for you in the coming period for those who like electronics.

1 comment:

DS said...

Don't worry, just keep up the belief that you can do it, in life sometimes you have to be patient, sometimes things just fall into place, you are getting there through a combination of hard work and determination.

You have a cult following in UK, maybe see you over here before long.

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