13 November 2011

Anatek SMP-16 Manual

The Anatek SMP-16 is a very versatile automated Midi and Audio patch bay. I have two of them in my studio and I love them. They are noise free and you can patch from the menu on the front and even save presets. It is an ideal studio tool. (If you have one on sale let me know because I'll buy it from you). It is just impossible to find a manual online apparently, since I had a lot of questions about it already in the past. I was lucky enough to get a manual on paper and even in English :) So today I decided to scan it and share it for anyone else that is looking for it. Since the company is bankrupt for years now I guess they won't mind me putting it online ;)

You can download it here:  http://www.synth.nl/files/Anatek%20SMP-16%20Manual.pdf


Fabrizio said...

Many thanks.
I've been looking for the English manual for long time.
Much appreciated.


Synth.nl said...

You're welcome :)

Running[]-[]oove said...

Danke, sehr viel für die Bereitstellung dieses seltene MIDI Patch Bay Bedienungsanleitung, war es unmöglich zu finden, da ich es vor vielen Jahren gekauft, bis jetzt! Danke euch lieb für diese Großzügigkeit, ich bin jetzt in der Lage, Anatek SMP-7 genauer zu verstehen.

Running[]-[]oove said...

Danke, sehr viel für die Bereitstellung dieses seltene MIDI Patch Bay Bedienungsanleitung, war es unmöglich zu finden, da ich es vor vielen Jahren gekauft, bis jetzt! Danke euch lieb für diese Großzügigkeit, ich bin jetzt in der Lage, Anatek SMP-7 genauer zu verstehen.

Synth.nl said...

Gerne gemacht :)

Kyle said...

Hey do you know how to get the SMP16 to respond to program changes? I can't get it to changes patches with program changes.

Synth.nl said...

Sorry I never tried that. I always switched manually, but I don't use them anymore at the moment.

Anonymous said...

See Menu > Midi Utilities > Midi Receive Channels. The SMP-16 can indeed use Program Changes to select patches (note that PC0 will call Program 1, PC1 will call Program 2 etc), but make sure you have set the receive channel correctly for Audio and Midi program changes.
(Pages 10 and 39 of the manual)
Thanks for the manual btw!

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