31 August 2011

Music for Apollo is done. Mastering has started!

After working almost day and night in the studio the last months to further improve the music on my Apollo album, I decided last night that is was time to stop doing stuff that probably nobody hears anymore. So the music is done now and I'm going to focus now on the final mixing and mastering process with my friend Hans Landman. I can also start finalizing the artwork now, since all track times are final. Here another friend has offered me a helping hand. This weekend I'm going to visit Remy Stroomer who is a designer by profession as I found out. Everything still looks good for the 1st of October release, but it will still be lots of work to get it done in time. Let's hope nothing goes wrong, but at least the music is ready :) If you look close btw on the picture on the left you can see the version numbers on the tracks. In my workflow a version number update means about a day's work. So you can estimate how much work has gone into this album so far. All this work was done in a time span of about two years.


Martin Peters said...

Great you sharing this process with us. Also the picture give us some insight how you are doing this. And yes, mixing and mastering is very time consuming. And one is never completely satisfied. Success with the process.
Take care, Martin Peters

Synth.nl said...

Thanks Martin :)

BCElginTex said...

Fantastic Michel. The fruits of your labor really are paying off. I can't wait to get the music in my ears. Brian

Synth.nl said...

Thanks Brian. I hope you will like it.

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