18 July 2010

Dutch Masters Sampler CD coming on October 9th 2010

I told you last week that I was postponing my Apollo project for a while because there were some other releases coming and that I would update you as soon as I was allowed to. Well for one of the projects I have the official go now :) It is called The Dutch Masters. It was an idea I had a while ago to promote the Dutch Synthesizer Music scene. The idea was to make a sampler CD about paintings of a famous Dutch painters with only Dutch musicians. Every artist should take a painting in mind and compose music to it. I discussed this idea with Groove Unlimited (my record label) and they were enthusiastic right away. Groove Unlimited contacted the artists and got a lot of positive reactions as well. So this project is going to happen :) There will also be one track made by me on this sampler CD of course. My track will be about the famous painting called 'De Nachtwacht' ('The Night Watch' in English) by Rembrandt van Rijn. The CD will be released on the E-live festival in Oirschot (NL) on the 9th of October 2010. I will post more information about this project as soon as it available.


Mary-Cat said...

What a great idea, Michel! I can't wait to hear your interpretation of that beautiful masterpiece. Will the CD be available for international release too?
All the best, to you and your family today.

Synth.nl said...

Yes it will be released by Groove Unlimited on CD. You will be able to get it for sure :)

Recycle Or Die said...

What a fantastic concept! I was amazed by the painting when I was in the Rijksmuseum a couple of years ago. Roll on October, so I can hear what a painting sounds like!

Synth.nl said...

Thank you very much. Great that you like the idea. Now I just hope you will like the end-result too :) Every artist will do this in his own way I guess.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michel
geinig maar niks van gehoord terwijl er maar weinig meesters zijn ;)

Frans Huijbers said...

Dutch Masters for music as well for paintings?
I'm looking for too see and hear it.

CU hopefuly at E-Live 2010

Synth.nl said...

Music inspired by paintings. I'll be at E-live for sure. I have a stall there as well.

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