14 February 2010

Mr. Braska's Apollo Studio Experience (Part 6)

Here is the last episode of Mr. Braska to my Apollo Studio. Here he is hanging from the Klee Sequencer I recently finished before I started wiring it.

Mr. Braska was allowed to inspect the rest of the studio as well and this was his favorite corner. He just loved the Jazzmutant Dexter. He was staring at it for a very long time.

And here it was time for action. Mr. Braska made a nice bass line on the Arp Sequencer. Maybe you will hear it on some future album.

Here my youngest daughter said goodbye to mr. Braska. She just ate some chocolate pasta. You can hardly tell right?

And the last picture. Mr. Braska waves goodbye from the inside of the Wilba MB-6582 to all of you from the Synth.nl Apollo Studio in The Netherlands.

And now I'll send mr. Braska on to his next destination. Keep track of http://www.synthfrog.com for his next adventure! It was fun having you here mr. Braska!

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Smithy said...


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