29 January 2010

PPG Wave 2.0 with Midi

It has been a while since I added an new synthesizer to my collection. I don't have much space anymore so I have to be very selective or think of what I would replace. And I would prefer not to :) Ah well. I got this very nice PPG Wave version 2.0. That is the oldest version with SSM analog filters. It is a wavetable synthesizer and is basically the ancestor of the later Waldorf Wave and Microwave synthesizers. I didn't have much time yet to play on it. I only played a bit on it with my headphones.

And since it has no build in FX that is a bit dry off course but even then it sounded very nice :) I think it is real classic that couldn't miss in my collection. And it is blue ;) Which scores extra points as well. You can see here how I managed to put it under the Yamaha SY-99. And in the back you can see another blue one. The Oberheim (Viscount) OB-12. A very underrated synthesizer if you ask me. A nice surprise for me was that the PPG Wave came with a midi included. I didn't know that actually. This will make it easy to include in my setup. I'm sure you will hear it on some future album :)


Larry Poulton said...

PPG - the classic sound of TD in the 80s. I have the SY77 - love it and just bought the JD800 - all those lovely knobs and sliders!

Synth.nl said...

Yeah the JD800 is a great synth :)

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