22 January 2010

Oakley Discontinuity Module Graphs

I promised you to show a bit more about what the Oakley Discontinuity can do. To begin with here is a picture with the finished module in my cabinet. If you click on the picture you can read the text with the controls. The controls I used in the examples below are: Treshold, Fold, Discontinuity and Offset. I only use the normal output (so not the Clamp or Clip) and I put a Triangle wave from the PC function generator on the input. I'm not going to describe what all the individual control do. You can read the Oakley manual for that ;) But just some examples to let you see what it can do. I used my Velleman PC oscilloscope to capture the output signals btw. It has a nice 'save as' option for the image you have on your screen :)

So here is the signal that I put in:

And this is what came out:

I'm sure you can imagine that that will sound different :)


René said...

And the sounds?

Synth.nl said...

Sounds nice ;) I'll try to do some videos in the future. But not on short term.

René said...

Let's wait and hear

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