06 June 2008

New track online for Omnisphere Contest

The last weeks I made a new track to enter a contest. This contest was organized by Spectrasonics. They have produced some amazing sample based software synthesizers that I like a lot. But soon they are launching a very exciting new product called Omnisphere. They supplied a set of samples and loops to download that you had to use. I combined these with some of my own samples that I took in the London Underground when we went to the Jean-Michel Jarre concert in the Royal Albert Hall earlier this year. For the rest I only used the existing Spectrasonics synthesizers. The track is called 'Underground' and I put the track online on my website so you can listen to it. The track is mastered by Ron Boots from Groove Unlimited by the way. (Thank you very much for that Ron!) You can find it on this URL: http://www.synth.nl/Tracks. There are some more tracks there that you may have found before. I don't link to them on my website because they are mainly experiments. I hope you enjoy the track and off course I hope Spectrasonics will like it too :)


Joel said...

Underground sounds great! The station announcement samples are particularly effective. I hope we will get to hear it (in some form) on a future album.

Good luck with the competition.

Cheers, Joel...

Synth.nl said...

Thank you very much :) This track has given me inspiration for a future album yes :) But I already have other new some material also for release for next year. So I don't know when. But you will hear it for sure in the future.

Synth.nl said...

Too bad. I didn't win..

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